
You're on the nice list

Heather Faulkner

Over 81 million unwanted Christmas gifts will be thrown away this Christmas in the UK alone.

Here's some sustainable gift ideas that won’t cost the earth. 

 Homemade vegan cheese Gromit? This very simple, quick and healthy cheese will be a great addition to the Christmas celebrations cheeseboard. 

Don't be missing out on cheese this Christmas! 

Mozzarella Cheese


Halloumi Cheese 

Amazing grilled with crackers or on toast. 

Ricotta Cheese 

Fluffy and light, like the real thing. 


What's the gift that keeps on giving? A plant!

It takes co2 from the air and turns it into oxygen. Its free, sustainable, colourful and the most useful gift to give this Christmas.


Give them a future! 

There are some great books in Oxfam that give tips on how to live a cleaner life. The "Head of Oceans" at "Greenpeace", Will McCallum has written a useful book to help humanity's global fight against plastic. "How to give up plastic" not only explains how we got into this mess, but more importantly tells us how we can get out of it. 

They also have used books, many in great condition, along with other gifts made from recycled materials. Check it out and your money will also be going to charity. 

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