
Sogno un VERDE Natale

Heather Faulkner

Sogno un VERDE Natale

È il periodo dell'anno piu magico per tutti noi, ma quanti scarti produrremo questo Natale? Il tuo biglietto d'auguri  è in arrivo! Andiamo nelle cartolerie, passiamo il tempo a scegliere il bigliettino natalizio perfetto, ma lo sapevi che ci vuole un intero albero per fare 3.000 carte?Poiché una pianta è teoricamente sufficiente solo per inviare un biglietto di auguri a 179 persone, il solo Regno Unito utilizzerà un miliardo di cartoline l' anno esclusivamente per le cartoline di Natale, per un totale di 33 milioni di alberi all'anno!Non appena il Natale è finito e dimenticato, verrà fatto fuori facendo posto a quel...

Rho's Recipes

Heather Faulkner

Rho's Recipes

She's lean, she's NOT mean and she's one hell of a cooking machine!  Meet Rhoda, long term vegan, fighter for the animals and fellow chocaholic. Rho brings the chocolate to every party (trust me, I always scoff the lot!)  Rho is a true feeder, but we're not complaining. Stay tuned for updates on the best vegan recipes.  Who wants to know how to make these tasty bad boys? Watch this video for the three ingredient Choco caramel bites!     Vegan Lasagna  A must have Italian favorite, here's one to keep the vampires away.   Buon appetito!  

I'm dreaming of a GREEN Christmas

Heather Faulkner

I'm dreaming of a GREEN Christmas

It’s a magical time of year for us, but what footprint are we leaving this Christmas? Your card's in the post!  We go to the card shops, spend time picking out that perfect card, but did you know that it takes 1 tree to make 3,000 cards? As 1 tree is theoretically only enough for 179 people to send cards, the UK alone will use 1 billion cards just for Christmas cards on an annual basis, totalling at around 33 million trees a year! As soon as Christmas is over its out with the tat to make way for that "fresh start", meaning...

You're on the nice list

Heather Faulkner

You're on the nice list

Over 81 million unwanted Christmas gifts will be thrown away this Christmas in the UK alone. Here's some sustainable gift ideas that won’t cost the earth.   Homemade vegan cheese Gromit? This very simple, quick and healthy cheese will be a great addition to the Christmas celebrations cheeseboard.  Don't be missing out on cheese this Christmas!  Mozzarella Cheese   Halloumi Cheese  Amazing grilled with crackers or on toast.  Ricotta Cheese  Fluffy and light, like the real thing.    What's the gift that keeps on giving? A plant! It takes co2 from the air and turns it into oxygen. Its free, sustainable, colourful...

Wild birds of Malaga

Heather Faulkner

Wild birds of Malaga

Call in the bird man... There are at least 3 or 4 wild birds brought into the Banos Del Carmen Vet Clinic DAILY. Yes, every day.  The locals and authorities in Malaga know that Agustin is the man when it comes to a sick or injured bird. The clinic is constantly crowded with birds on the mend, birds being operated on and strapped up wings.  This pigeon was brought in when a local resident saw her on the street unable to fly. One wing clearly wasn't working and was thought to be broken. She was suffering when trying to fly and wasn't getting anywhere. ...